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- Ringo -

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Bastardization of the word.................."Catfight"

Before you all I stand guilty today.

I am one of those who have participated in the bastardization of the word............"catfight".

Look at this website for instance. It's called "The Catfight Report". Despite that, I rarely cover the real catfights that you can find all over youtube. You don't see me endorsing women to get out and fight unsanctioned without rules.

I'm more interested in "unscripted female wrestling" than I am "catfights".

I mean.........what is a catfight?

A real fight between two women?

Or is it a battle between cats? (of the animal variety)

Or is it a term, as it is now often used, to my dismay, to describe "tension" between two women?  Media outlets routinely report that "so and so" is in a "media catfight" with "so and so".  Or that a "social networking catfight" is erupting. I've even seen the media refer to squabbles between men as "catfights".   And, worse of all, there is even a band that calls itself.................."Catfight".

What the hell happened here?

Have we all gone mad or is it just human nature to redefine words after so many years?   We see this in the poltical sphere as the words Republican, Democrat, Fascism, Liberal, and many other words have changed meanings over time.

If I was the "word god" on this issue.........I would redefine and lock the word "catfight" to the following meaning:

"A physical fight or battle between two females".

But, that is just to fit my own narrow interests and purposes.

Any thoughts on the redefining of the word "catfight" or is it a non-issue?

Visit the Deluxe sponsors of the Catfight Report:
Double Trouble Wrestling

Bare Knuckles the Movie
Ultimate Surrender 

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1 comment:

Eric H. said...

I'd have to agree with your word definition of catfight. It's as close to a definition as you'll probably get without being too picky by having to scruitinize every form of female combat to decide whether it qualifies.

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