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- Ringo -

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kim Kardashian and Carmen Electra to engage in a Movie Catfight (Amazing Movie)

Carmen Electra and Kim Kardashian will be mixing it up in new film that will be coming out soon.

It will happen in a new movie being produced called "Amazing Movie".

What is Amazing Movie about?

Well, it is the next in the long line of parody movies that seems essentially like the "Scary Movie" series.

So, not much to say there, and therefore, I will stop there.

As for the catfight that will ensue between Carmen Electra and Kim Kardashian, there probably isn't much to say there either.

Since I have watched, what seems like a thousand or more of these "catfights in film", you can probably bet on some, or a combination, of the following happening.

- there will be no clear winner
- the fight will be campy or comedic
- it will look fake, as the acting and expressions will most likely be horrible
- it will probably be broken up by somebody
- it will last less than 1 minute. (most likely in the 15 second to 30 second range)

Is that negative of me to point out?

I don't think so, because hopefully, sometime in the near future, one of these nitwit hollywood producers will figure out something of importance.

Men and Women love catfights.

Especially catfights that are choreographed nicely, with preferably, a CLEAR WINNER.
Throw in a little humiliation after the fight, and you might award yourself a classic.

Note to Producers:
If you are going to have a catfight in a Movie or TV production, please don't half-ass it.


Now, if Kim Kardashian and Carmen Electra decide to shatter this barrier to pieces in this new..........ahem..........."Amazing Movie"...............I will happily recant my above statements!

But, don't bet the farm.

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