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Friday, September 2, 2011

Catfight Report Movie Review: Bringing Down the House

Bringing Down the House
Queen Latifah vs Missi Pyle

Bringing Down the House was a romance/comedy that hit the market in 2003.

Here is the "Bringing Down the House" plot/story from Wikipedia:

Peter Sanderson (Steve Martin) is a workaholic tax attorney corresponding with an online friend known only as "lawyer-girl". On their first blind date, Peter learns that "lawyer-girl" is Charlene Morton (Queen Latifah), a wrongfully convicted bank robber claiming her innocence who wants Peter's help in getting the charges dropped. Peter also must deal with Virginia Arness (Joan Plowright), an eccentric English billionaire, to bring her business to his firm, as well as competitive colleagues and bosses. His neighbor, Mrs. Kline (Betty White), who happens to be a sister of one of the senior partners, is a nosy bigot. Peter attempts to juggle these issues as well as reconcile with his ex-wife (Jean Smart) and children (Kimberly J. Brown and Angus T. Jones).

Plot aside.......of which I have never paid attention to until tonight........this movie has one of the better female vs female catfight scenes produced in Hollywood in recent years.

It pits:
Queen Latifah - Charlene


Missi Pyle - Ashley

Missi Pyle plays the role of Ashley and I think she played it awesomely well. She is the antagonist rich girl that sleeps with old men for their money. And, she is truly an evil babe.

Missi spends a nice portion of the movie verbally berating Charlene (Queen Latifah) and this is what eventually leads to the catfight.    What I really loved about the encounter was that Charlene (Queen Latifah) was extremely confident she was going to go in and totally and easily kick Ashley's (Missi Pyle) ass.

Well, it didn't quite turn out that way.

Ashley was in the bathroom putting on her makeup when Charlene barged through the door.

ASHLEY:    What are you doing in here?
CHARLENE:   I told you were going to be seeing more of me right?

Ashley had a combination of a surprised and intrigued look on her face.

CHARLENE:   Look.  I came here to warn you.   If you keep disrespecting's going to get rough around here!
ASHLEY:    Back off Shaniqua.

Charlene starts taking off her shoes.

CHARLENE:   You know what?   You don't scare me.   Maybe you need a little bit more eye shadow.....

Charlene dives forward with a punch, but gets shocked, as Ashley drops down to the ground and sweeps the back of Charlene's legs!    Charlene goes down hard, the two struggle for a minute, and then Ashley kips up to her feet athletically.

ASHLEY:    You messed with the wrong wasp bitch!

Charlene dives forward with another big punch, connects this time, lands two more hard punches and tosses Ashley up against the wall.

A seething and angry Ashley then charges Charlene, the two lock up aggressively, Ashley blocks all of Charlene's assaults, slams a fist in Charlene's stomach, a fist across the face, and then lands a jumping karate kick to Charlene's face that sends her crashing into the chair!

ASHLEY:   Compliments of Taebo........2 hours a day...............5 days a week.

Ashley does some mocking Taebo dances and then charges at Charlene as she starts to get up.   Charlene responds by punching Ashley in the gut, the face, rams her head into the wall, rams a knee into her gut, and then tosses her hard into another chair.

While Ashley is down.............Charlene slams a big fist into Ashley's stomach..........but Ashley responds by landing a sharp karate kick to Charlene's head.

Ashley slowly gets up and Charlene is already up as she motions for Ashley to "Bring It".

Ashley runs forward and leaps through the air with a karate kick, but Charlene blocks it, slams a fist into Ashley's stomach, and then slams her head into the wooden stall..........breaking the door.   Charlene then shoves Ashley's head into the toilet water.

CHARLENE:   Compliments of the Hood.   24-7.    All my life.

Ashley, however, kicks backwards and nails Charlene in the stomach, as Charlene lands up against the wall.  Ashley then emerges from the toilet, with hands in karate chop position, and a very disheveled look on her face.

CHARLENE:   You know, for a skinny white hoe, you are pretty tough.

Ashley responds by nailing a hard punch across Charlene's face, sending her flying down a bench, and eventually landing hard on the floor on the other side.   Ashley then once again launches into some mock Taebo moves to taunt Charlene.

Charlene is really angry at this she runs forward...........leaps off the bench..........nails a leaping punch to Ashley's face, then a big backhand, and big slug to Ashley's stomach, and then she picks Ashley up, and hangs her defeated body upside down on a one of the coat hooks on the stalls.

CHARLENE:   Now I don't ever.............want to have this conversation................AGAIN!

Very good fight!

I like the fact that Ashley was a hard challenge for Charlene.   I think it really would have been a neat twist if they would have let Ashley win the fight..............but that is just me.

Watch the Full Movie on Amazon Instant Video!
Only $1.99
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