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- Ringo -

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Will Le Femme Nikita be the new source of Catfights on Television?

There were some good TV series in the past with female leads that often led to some catfights on TV.   

Xena had some memorable battles, Buffy the Vampire Slayer had it's share, Sheena had 2 or 3, and Black Scorpion wasn't a bad source at all for a decent female vs female battle.

Well, Le Femme Nikita returns.    No, this time it's not Peta Wilson returning.   That's probably good.   Because when Peta Wilson was at the helm there were hardly any notable catfights whatsoever!

But now........Maggie Q is taking the reigns.

Here is a picture of Maggie Q:

Indeed, it looks like a strong breeze would destroy this woman.

She is very skinny but very pretty. Being Asian and all, however, I'm sure she is going to pack a powerful martial arts punch despite her petite size and stature.

But enough about Maggie Q!

I want to know if Le Femme Nikita is going to bring us catfight fans some good action to watch.

Or, will it just be the "same ole same ole"?

However, there is a small glimmer of hope. At Comic Con recently, Maggie Q lamented that another woman who appears in the show who goes by the name of Lyndsy Fonseca gets into a catfight with another woman on the show.

Maggie Q responded when asked about the catfight and stated simply:
"The Dudes are going to love it"

Well, Maggie Q, us "dudes" are pretty picky fellows. Let's hope your producers do a good job and don't give us the standard fare that most TV producers throw out.

What do you all think?

Will Le Femme Nikita be a boon for catfights?

Or, will it be another bust?

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