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- Ringo -

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Political Catfight: Two Pakistan female politicians have it out!

As much as I search Google News for catfights, it's refreshing to see an ACTUAL catfight when combined with the word "politics".

Normally, you will see terms like......."Obama in political catfight with Republicans" and things of that nature.

But, no, this time, there was actually a real political catfight it seems. And, best of all, as the word "catfight" should apply, it was between females!

The two Pakistani female lawmakers involved:

Fauzia Behram
Sajida Mir

Reports claim Fauzia raised the issue regarding "true party workers" and seemed to imply that some of the party members had a low status.    Sajida Mir took exception to these comments, told her not to say things like that, and then the two exchanged some harsh words.

Reports claim Fauzia Behram than slapped Sajida Mir across the face, of which Sajida responded by pushing her down in return.    Sajida then proceeded to throw a flower pot, but it missed it's mark, and hit a member of the Punjab security staff instead.   (Whoops!)

Sajida stated that parliamentary members had not favoured her as she was a “poor political worker” whereas Fauzia was a “feudal landlady”.

Depending on which reports you believe, both women are being asked to step down after the incident.

Details are murky, but aren't they always?   :)






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