Email Johnny Ringo
This Month in Double Trouble Wrestling
Featuring: Miko
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Mellanie Monroe vs Miko - $17.95
Santana vs Miko - Topless Boxing - $24.95
JC Marie vs Miko - $24.95
Frankie Zappitelli vs Miko - $24.95
Goldie Blair vs Miko - Streaming Boxing - $14.95
Who is Michelle Collier?
Visit her website!
A fine question!
Who is this sexy little woman?
Michelle is 5'0 tall and 90 pounds. She can't be a wrestler? Right, right?
Michelle Collier's career started as a referee for a wrestling company called the Tennessee Hardbodies.
She was then offered a position as a wrestler, which she denied at first. Later on, Michelle was steered to the direction of being a wrestler and later became the Hardbodies Champion in Febuary 2008; by defeating long time champion, Romana Pleskatova (aka Rochelle).
In the later part of 2008, she appeared on her own website,
In the early part of 2008, she was a bikini model/swimsuit model for a motorcycle company in the UK called Adrenaline Motorsports and has done modeling for a company called Fletcher-Martin.
Some of Michelle's accomplishments include:
- Fashion and swimwear model for Fletcher-Martin - Calendar girl for Hardbodies, Inc - Wrestler and Champion for Tennessee Hardbodies - 1993 - Rockdale High School Homecoming Queen - 1993 - 1st Place - Club La Vela Best Chest Contest - 2002 - Finalist - Froggy's Saloon Best Chest Contest - 2003 - 1st Place - Froggy's Saloon Best Chest Contest - 2008 - Bike Week Cabbage Patch Wrestling winner - 2009 - Hardbodies Inc., Wrestling Champion - 2009 - Weird, Hot and Sexy Top 20 Fetish Wrestlers (placed 8th) - 2009 - Weird, Hot and Sexy Top 20 Fetish Model web sites - 2010 - Current covermodel and wrestler (sponsored) by Weird, Hot and Sexy
And in 2010?
1. We have to be honest, we are not very familiar with you Michelle. However, when we checked your website out, it was a pleasure to be certain. Please introduce yourself to people like myself, tell us who you are, where you came from, how you were introduced to this industry, and any relevant background details you want fans to know about.
MICHELLE COLLIER: My name is Michelle Collier. I am a former Hardbodies referee and model until I was asked to wrestle for them back in 2008. I was asked to do this by a promoter/owner of the company at the time.
2. How long have you been wrestling now? And, a follow up to this question, is how would you rate your skill level thus far? Where do you think you are in comparison with some of the other females in this industry?
MICHELLE COLLIER: I have been wrestling a little over a year and a half and modeling off and on my whole life. My skill level, I think, is novice. However I have also beaten other women that I worked with that were bigger then me. And I think I improve more and more each time with practice and learning moves and holds. As for how do I compare to other women in the industry, I think that its all relative. I mean, anyone can have a good or bad day so it is hard to say!
3. What are some of your favorite finishing moves to use on an opposing female in a matchup? What are the ways you like to put your opponent away and do you get a thrill in dominating your opponent?
MICHELLE COLLIER: During a match, I use anything I can to wear them down; whether it’s a scissors hold, a clutch, or something to get them exhausted. My finishing move is a pedigree; which I learned and adapted from another famous wrestler and champion on WWE.
4. This is the Catfight Report. We love stories regarding a good catfight! Have you ever been in any catfights in your life, and if so, what were the results of those catfights positive and negative?
MICHELLE COLLIER: When I worked for Hardbodies, each match seemed like a catfight! I lost some, I won some. Each a learning experience!
Michelle dominates some poor helpless opponent that is locked in her clutches
MICHELLE COLLIER: When I worked for Hardbodies, each match seemed like a catfight! I lost some, I won some. Each a learning experience!
Michelle dominates some poor helpless opponent that is locked in her clutches
5. If you were to name the top 5 female wrestlers in the catfight and female wrestling industry that you admire, or aspire to defeat, who are these 5 females, and why do you choose them?
MICHELLE COLLIER: Top 5 females? Wow, that’s a hard question!
Not in any particular order, but some women in the industry that I wouldn’t mind facing would be:
- Belinda Belle from Steel Kittens
She has been around for a LONG time and I admire what she has done and accomplished.
- Jeanne Basone, or Hollywood
I used to watch her on GLOW when I was a kid and always liked her “bad ass” ways.
I used to watch her on GLOW when I was a kid and always liked her “bad ass” ways.
- Ashley Lane
She is about my height, a little taller actually, but she is in great shape, beautiful, and knows the ropes.
She is about my height, a little taller actually, but she is in great shape, beautiful, and knows the ropes.
- Tanya Danielle
I have always admired her work and what she has done for the super-heroine fetishes.
I have always admired her work and what she has done for the super-heroine fetishes.
- Shannon Kelly
Reason being is that there are a few websites I have seen that compares us; being the same height and such. So, I think it would be a very competitive match and to finally put all the other websites at rest of who is the better 5’0” wrestler.
Reason being is that there are a few websites I have seen that compares us; being the same height and such. So, I think it would be a very competitive match and to finally put all the other websites at rest of who is the better 5’0” wrestler.
6. I wanted to see your interest level in something that is near and dear to many of us: REAL FEMALE WRESTLING. :) Or, if you want to get really extreme, there are companies where you can have real catfights as well. Have any of your matches so far been real, and if so, or even if not, how interested are you in wrestling and/or catfighting other females in this industry for real?
MICHELLE COLLIER: When I worked for Hardbodies, we had a rule book, I guess you call it, of what types of matches there were, how to be done, who and how you could be champion, and things like that. The Hardbodies title could only be won, and defended in a competitive type match.
Back when I won the title, I honestly didn’t think, or had any idea, I would win it against the champion at the time. But I went into the match with an open mind set and low-and-behold, next thing I know, I beat her! From there, I had to defend the title in competitive matches. Was I ever afraid? Of course! My biggest match was against a girl named Fyre; who stood 6’2” without heels!
But I quickly adapted and figured out what I had to do if I wanted to keep the title. I finally tired her out and took a chance on a move that landed me to keeping the title. After I beat her in my 3rd match, I am not sure if I got more respect or less! I think it was a mix from all the girls.
My last match was my most extreme ever; what the Hardbodies called a “sex fight”.
Did I want to do it? – No.
Would I do it again? – No.
Most of what I do, or want to do now, is fantasy and fun for all participants. Besides, with me also modeling, I have been told by photographers that it’s hard to hide some of the bruises I get from competitive wrestling.
Back when I won the title, I honestly didn’t think, or had any idea, I would win it against the champion at the time. But I went into the match with an open mind set and low-and-behold, next thing I know, I beat her! From there, I had to defend the title in competitive matches. Was I ever afraid? Of course! My biggest match was against a girl named Fyre; who stood 6’2” without heels!
But I quickly adapted and figured out what I had to do if I wanted to keep the title. I finally tired her out and took a chance on a move that landed me to keeping the title. After I beat her in my 3rd match, I am not sure if I got more respect or less! I think it was a mix from all the girls.
My last match was my most extreme ever; what the Hardbodies called a “sex fight”.
Did I want to do it? – No.
Would I do it again? – No.
Most of what I do, or want to do now, is fantasy and fun for all participants. Besides, with me also modeling, I have been told by photographers that it’s hard to hide some of the bruises I get from competitive wrestling.
We are going to name some of the more famous names in this industry that wrestle in real or scripted wrestling matches. We are going to name 10 girls here, and we would like to know who wins in a REAL NON-SCRIPTED WRESTLING MATCH.
1. Tylene Buck
2. Francesca Le
3. Ariel X
4. Tanya Danielle
5. Missy Hyatt
6. Goldie Blair
7. Christine Dupree
8. Eve Ellis
9. Jewell Marceau
10. Summer Cummings
MICHELLE COLLIER: I know of most of the girls on the list of 10. I have even contacted a few to work with; but with no feedback. Also, now-a-days, I prefer to be in scripted matches that don’t prevent, or hinder, modeling opportunities.
But here is the list:
1 – Tylene Buck – Last time I saw her, she was looking pretty buff and fit. In a real match, who knows. Like I said, anyone can win on any given day; even in wrestling. I think I could win this match!
2 - Francesca Le – Every time I have seen Francesca Le, she has been just.. a wild one! I love this girl of how she acts and how she does things! She is also about my size, so either way, it would be a great match – though she might have a little more “spunk” then me. It would be a close match, but I think I could get the win!
3 – Ariel X – I don’t know too much about her, but I do think a cool bondage shoot would be fun to do with someone like her. I think I would win this matchup for certain.
4 – Tanya Danielle – I have actually emailed her a few times; never getting a response. But I would LOVE to do a super heroine shoot with her. She is taller than me, but the taller they are, the harder they fall. Chalk up another win for Michelle Collier!
5 – Missy Hyatt – WOW, I remember her from when I was a kid and she was a valet! But she is, in my opinion, one of the world’s most respected wrestlers and managers. A match with her would be a lesson indeed! She has been around a while, so she worked me down first, she would probably get the win, but if not, I think I would be the victor.
6 – Goldie Blair – Never worked with her, don’t know too much about her, but definitely interested in working with her. Therefore, not sure how to guess on this one, but guess on me!
7 - Christine Dupree – I think I might actually be afraid of her! In a real match, she would be my toughest to date I think. Just because she looks like a wild one, who is also strong, and under 6’0”! I would probably NOT win this matchup! :)
8 - Eve Ellis – another girl I don’t know too much about, but a bondage shoot with her would also be awesome! I'm pretty sure I would win a real match however.
9 - Jewell Marceau – Last time I contacted Ms. Marceau was last year and she was out of the country. I actually emailed her again in January and haven’t heard back. However, I have seen her matches, bondage, and everything and would LOVE to work with her! But if it came down to a real wrestling match, it would most likely be Michelle Collier's hand who would be raised!
10 - Summer Cummings – another I think would be a great bondage shoot! I would also like to do a superheroine/villainess shoot with her, if possible. The winner of a real match? Michelle Collier.
With most of my matches, rather real or scripted, I have always ended a match with my move called a pedigree; and usually me finally pinning my opponent with my breast in their face! For some reason, I get a lot of compliments on it, and have even been asked that next time I do it, can I smother the other person out?
Don't let Michelle get you on the ground! You might get a breast full!
8. At 5'0 and 90lbs I could easily see you being a target for females to try to dominate and humiliate.
However, after being a fan of this stuff for years, I know that the small girls can be extremely tough to defeat if they are determined and know what they are doing. Do you think you are going to be a pushover, a woman to be dominated, or do you seek to be the female who is the one doing the dominating? Please describe what skillsets and character qualities are going to make you one to watch in this industry.
However, after being a fan of this stuff for years, I know that the small girls can be extremely tough to defeat if they are determined and know what they are doing. Do you think you are going to be a pushover, a woman to be dominated, or do you seek to be the female who is the one doing the dominating? Please describe what skillsets and character qualities are going to make you one to watch in this industry.
MICHELLE COLLIER: With my small stature, I was looked at when I first started as a referee only and model. Even reading and looking at other wrestlers, all were tall (taller then me!) so I had no chance of being something other then a model. Hardbodies even told me that I was too small; I would get hurt. Just model, referee, and be a pretty face! So that’s exactly what I did! I was “eye” candy for the girls who couldn’t be. Then after they got numerous requests for me to wrestle, I was skeptical until I did it and won the title belt!
When doing competitive wrestling, do I think size matters? Yes and no. I think it’s how you use your size really. I knew NOTHING about wrestling when I started and to this day, still don’t think I know as much as I should. But I learn quickly, took notes of what to do and not to do, saw how to get in and out of situations, and things like that. Girls my size beating over 6 foot women is impossible, right? Well, I did it. Was it because of my skill and tenacity? The skill part I don’t know about, but I am extremely tenacious and hate to lose no matter what! So you learned to adapt to do what I needed to do to win.
Some girls my size or a little taller never seem to get the whole dynamics of a match and will usually become jobbers and settle on that. Not me; no way!
9. Please describe to fans your opinion of the erotic element that is associated with catfights, female wrestling, female combat, etc. What are your thoughts and opinions on those that get a rise from watching these sorts of activities?
MICHELLE COLLIER: The erotic element in catfights, wrestling, and so forth is different for everyone and I don’t think you can actually point out the exact character element as to why it is so. People are all different; male, female, gay, bi-sexual, lesbian, whatever. Those entire factors into what I believe make it erotic for some and not others.
People who like watching me, model or wrestle, have different opinions. I only know this due to the vast emails I get! But some like to watch me dominate, some like to see me get dominated, some only like my modeling, and some only like my fashion pictures. Either way as to why or what makes them get a rise from watching me is their own mental state. All I can say is that I appreciate all the emails and fans I have and I am always open to suggestions of what they like, or don’t like, so I can please the audience.
10. Tell Catfight Report fans why they need to go to your website, right now, and check things out and purchase a membership. What all do you offer and what can they expect at your website? Also, be sure to tell us where we can find you on the internet, and what kind of wrestling projects you have coming up, or are looking to be booked with, against other females.
MICHELLE COLLIER: My website offers all kinds of things for everyone. From my wrestling (female vs. female to mixed), to my swimsuit and lingerie pictures, to my nude pictures, and even a few stories of matches I have been in. It’s all there and I am always taking request from my members as to what they would like to see. I want to accommodate everyone – no matter their fetish.
The website itself, though still in its new early stages, is constantly being re-done, re-worked, to get out flaws.
My webcam has recently been installed on the site and I plan on talking to my members as soon as this month! (March)
My webcam has recently been installed on the site and I plan on talking to my members as soon as this month! (March)
You will also find links to others sites I am on, other models sites that I have some contact with, and even a calendar of what’s coming u next so you know what’s in store. My Yahoo group gives fans a preview of each new set – though all pictures from sets are available only to members; as well as various other things like wallpapers, custom and signed articles, and such.
As for what’s coming up, it’s hard to say because it seems to change a lot. We will have model scheduled to do a shoot with and about 75% or more usually cancel last minute. Sometimes they call, and sometimes they don’t. If they don’t show and don’t call, I don’t want to work with them. It’s rude. However, if you call and/or email and say you can’t make it, then maybe we can arrange another date and time.
She is confident!
She is sexy!
And we will tell you right will be seeing more of Michelle Collier in 2010!
Visit Michelle's Website right now!
The Phoenix Wrestling Federation Just Got A Little More Dangerous!
This is the announcement that we have been holding back!
Phoenix Wrestling and our colleagues at WAW Wrestling have joined forces to bring to you our official expansion to the WEST COAST!
You heard that right!
We now officially have a presence in the great state of California!!
Not only have we made our mark, but we have put together a fantastic roster of wrestlers that we have recruited from different aspects of the sports entertainment industry. (STJ Wrestling, HittheMat, SmashBamPow, SleeperkidsWorld, etc.)
Our list of lovely ladies include:
Onyx Danielle
Nicole Oring
Helena Skye
Cali Logan
Liz Lightspeed
Shannon Kelly
AND for the first time ever,,,thanks to our new friends at W.A.W....
ALL of our content and customs will be shot in a PRO WRESTLING RING (bout time, huh?)
Of course, just like our East Coast Chapter we will have in our story lines:
So get your ideas together for your own custom:
One-Sided Matches (Squash Matches)
Back and Forth
Handicapped Matches
Tag Team Matches
Go to our new and improved, revamped, redesigned membership site @
How do we take Female Wrestling and Combat
to the Mainstream?
to the Mainstream?
Article by Johnny Ringo
This is a question I have asked myself every since I put my very first post on the Catfight Report. I have even lamented in various message boards that my goal is to help take our love of female fighting to a higher level.
Why? To fulfill my selfish fantasies? Perhaps. However, the most stark reason is because I am a businessman. The job of a business person is to provide value.
Value, in and of itself, is usually a subjective matter. To provide value, there must be a market for that value.
I believe there is a heavily untapped market in this genre.
Therefore, I want to see this go to the next level. Pretty simple right? However, what form will it take? The current mainstream exposure we have to female wrestling, female fighting, and female catfights, generally encompasses 3 arenas in my view.
1. WWE/TNA Wrestling
2. Movies and TV shows
3. MMA/UFC/Boxing type events
I will be the first to admit, "my side" of the genre has fans of all types.
Some like the scripted wrestling that Double Trouble Wrestling offers. Some like the real action that Danube Women's Wrestling provides. And some like it down and dirty, like Ultimate Surrender, where they wrestle for real, and the winner actually fucks the loser!
All of the companies above have nudity in a large portion of their matches. Like any red blooded male, I love nudity. I love the female body. Most red blooded males love naked females.
Therefore, the market is there.
Who will take advantage of this? Who will push the envelope? Who will bring this to the next level?
If we look at the "mainstream" options available it becomes very clear that you will probably never see NUDE wrestling on NBC, ABC, FOX, or any of the other major networks. This is understandable. They have a large, diverse audience, and it would not be a good business move to jump into this realm. And, they run the risk of advertisers jumping ship.
That's fine. No argument there.
But, with the explosion of reality television, I see no reason that the women could not be clothed, but still have real matches. Fox aired Celebrity Boxing at one time and we just saw Kim Kardashian participate in a real boxing match.
Or, if big companies want to use a script, why not make things a bit more exciting?
I do not expect nudity to hit the mainstream in that way. The best we could probably do mainstream (with nudity involved) would probably be something on Cinemax, Showtime, HBO, or a PPV event.
Therefore, nudity will probably not work at the mainstream level. However, I have some suggestions that I think could hit big with the right amount of promotion and good producers running the product.
Let's review the current mainstream offerings for this genre:
1. WWE and TNA
Absolutely beautiful and talented women inhabit these promotions. I read somewhere that Marsye of the WWE is actually a black belt in real life. She is 5'10", beautiful, and I love her "character" on WWE TV. However, I think most would agree with me that the storylines that the writers come up with for the females are simply not very entertaining at all. (Maryse included)
In fact, if you are an educated fan....the storylines are down right insulting.
Rarely, if ever, do the girls get a big storyline like the men do.
You almost get the feeling that the current writers must have contempt for these beautiful females, because rarely, if ever, are they part of anything worthwhile or overly noteworthy.
Most of the criticism that comes from the current crop of WWE/TNA fans that I have witnessed, is that they are not recruiting the "right" girls. The girls should all be super athletic in these people's view, much like a Lisa Marie Varon or Beth Phoenix.
I disagree. Both ladies have gotten runs at the Female World Title and I just don't think they are overly marketable with the character sets that are chosen for them. If they were very marketable, and if mass amounts of people were coming to the shows to see them, I could understand better.
(Think, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin. People would come specifically to see these people in action and they generated massive mainstream buzz.)
Now, that's not to say that Beth Phoenix and Lisa Marie Varon don't "have what it takes". In fact, they do. But, I would bet a large sum of money, that Lisa Marie Varon will create much more buzz than ever once she enters the realm of MMA.
She can thank the WWE and TNA for this big exposure going in. However, Lisa is a strong, beautiful female, and it's something the MMA is sorely lacking.
Back to female "mainstream" wrestling.
The biggest thing I think is missing is the female element. I have mentioned before that I feel like the women are modeled too much after the men, and well, that is simply un-natural. The female is a very sexual and cunning creature. A creature generally ran much more by emotion than logic.
They need something............a bit different. More on that soon.
2. Movies and TV Shows
Boy, how many catfight fans out there have watched HUNDREDS of TV and Movies just to be completely and totally disappointed? I know I am not alone here. It's almost as if the producers just like to tease us into watching their show, KNOWING, that if they advertise a catfight that the ratings will most certainly go up!
Take for example the recent flick with Beyonce Knowles called "Obsessed".
The whole advertising surrounding the movie had to do with the catfight that takes place between her and Ali Larter. The movie's whole theme centered around these two going at it at the end of the film!
Am I alone in thinking that this was an absolutely piss poor pathetic effort? Ali plunges to her death. Boy, never seen that before! Of course, so are all of the other catfights for the most part. Take 2 Days in the Valley for example. It made a lot of news at the time because of the catfight between Teri Hatcher and Charlize Theron.
It was a great fight! Up until the point where they wrestle on the bed for a second, and then a gunshot is heard, and WHOOPS, the fight is over.
I would love for someone to explain this psychology to me.
It's the same psychology in almost every movie or tv show.
The fights are either broken up, do not end with a clear winner, and there is always some lazy, unthoughtful, lame ass ending.
Bare Knuckles, by Eric Etebari, is going to be the latest effort.
The promos are not bad. The action seems to be hard hitting and has an element of sex appeal involved as some of the women are dressed in sexy attire. Will he give us something to remember? We shall see.
3. MMA/UFC/Boxing
For fans of real competition, that is unscripted, this is about as good as it gets in the current mainstream. However, watching women in long shorts, with their hair tied up in dred locks, is totally unappealing to most males.
Again, in my sole opinion, we have another situation where the females are again trying to model the men.
And I will take some flack for my next comment...........but boy do they do a fine job!
Not only are some of the women that participate in these sports "act" about manly as you can get, but many of the women dress in a very unappealing sexual fashion, and if you are not looking closely, you might even mistake some of these women for being men!
Now, let the criticism fly!
I'm sure it's coming.
But, someone has to step up to the plate and mention this.
There are some sexy female fighters out there. Gina Carano, Felice Herrig, LaTasha Marzolla, Mia St John and others. They are out there. Of course, they dress like boys, and that does ruin their chance of attracting a larger fan base in my view.
Even those who might not be attractive as these females could do a better job.
It's not always so much about attraction as it is simple personality. Perhaps having a "persona" rather than a nickname, would do the sport some good.
(and, don't forget a better and sexier wardrobe!)
Of course, I will get the standard..........."we are not sluts........this is competition........and we are not here for the perverts!".
Yea, yea, yea, and yea.
No disrespect ladies...........but sex sells.
And any women that gives me a version of the line above.......... I just don't believe will ever get into marketing, advertising, or promotion of any kind.
Nor, will you be the one that takes this to the next level.
In this writer's opinion.
In closing:
So what exactly am I trying to say here?
It's easy to criticize, but what is the solution?
First off, when two women go toe to toe, most people, male and female alike, want to see a clear winner!
This is not rocket science. It's simple human nature.
The WWE and TNA are very loath on this concept. The Beautiful People.....Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Lacey Von Erich, and Madison Rayne............RARELY.........IF a match clean.
However, if you listen to the crowd when they come out, the crowd seems to be pretty excited. They get a very good response, because they are very sexual acting and they are indeed beautiful people.
So you would think that a lightbulb would go off at TNA.
Hey, we have something here!
No such luck. The very few matches these ladies do win is via interference or a run-in. However, when the Beautiful People are on the losing end, it's usually because they got defeated fair and square. Sorry, but I must be one of the few that get zero pleasure watching Awesome Kong destroy Velvet Sky. (Doubtful)
Ask yourself.
Which of these two scenarios would garner more fan attention and ratings?
Version 1. Lacey Von Erich vs Christy Hemme
Back and forth matchup. Lacey wins the match with help of Velvet Sky, who trips Christy up, and then Lacey rolls her up and uses the ropes for the cheap victory.
Version 2. Lacey Von Erich vs Christy Hemme
Loser has to be a slave match. Back and forth matchup. Lacey finally wins the match, in the center of the ring, by making Christy submit to a long and sexy reverse headscissors that has the crowd absolutely rolling. After Lacey's decisive and "fair and square" win, Velvet and Madison then force Christy to kiss Lacey's ass, as Christy is the latest victim of Lacey's brand new "Kiss my Ass Club".
Segments are shown for the next few shows where Christy, and other defeated women, are forced to be slaves of the Beautiful People after being defeated cleanly in the ring.
Which version would you choose?
Not only does this re-invigorate the fan base, but when a "Face" female actually defeats Lacey Von will have much more meaning..........and could be done at a PPV which would most certainly drive up the buy rates.
This is one example of a possible thousand examples.
All examples don't have to be exactly like this.
However, do you notice how the psychology is much better in my scenario rather than the worthless scenario that we see played out, virtually EVERY SINGLE WEEK, on option 1?
My final diagnosis for the 3 above mainstream genres:
1. Unpredictability.
Example: Yes, the bad girl can beat the good girl. And, they should be able to win cleanly without outside help. Movies, TV, WWE, TNA, and so on: Yes, the small girl can beat the big girl. While rarer in nature, anyone who has watched real female fighting for any length of time knows this can and does happen! When we already know who is going to win a catfight or female wrestling match, whether it be on a TV show, or on mainstream female wrestling, it greatly ruins any real excitement that the fight or wrestling match could potentially bring. I think anyone should be able to beat anyone, especially, when dealing with a script, and knowing beforehand that it is INDEED fantasy. And we really hate it when we know the fight is going to be broken up. STOP DOING THIS! Which leads to.......
2. A Clean Winner.
Goodness gracious please! Give us a clean winner! Stop with the run-ins, and the interrupts, and all the grade school bullshit. Having a fight being broke up in lieu of a bigger clash down the road is understandable. There are some situations where having a run-in makes sense. However, when a run-in or interrupt is the STANDARD, it is a very crappy standard indeed. A run-in or interrupt should always be an EXCEPTION and not a rule!
And if the girls have so much ego that they do not want to lose to "so and so" in a movie, tv show, or on a wrestling promotion.............get rid of their sorry asses because there are millions of beautiful females ready and willing to take their place.
3. Sex Sells.
I hate to break it to all of you purists out there. Any promoter with any knowledge whatsoever of human psychology knows this simple truth. This doesn't mean that the women have to be nude in every match. But, the women should generally dress in very sexy attire, and should use their female sexual appeal to their advantage.
Melina doing the splits before entering the ring is an example of this.
The Beautiful People do something similar before they enter the ring. It illicits a strong crowd reaction and it certainly illicits a reaction in those who watch.
(Sometimes positive, sometimes negative, but like Howard Stern, you have their attention!).
However, the sexual showmanship often lacks very much when the action begins.
I think if MMA had the promotion ability of mainstream scripted wrestling, with the characters, the entrances, and the sex appeal, it might just surpass the men.
The second part of "Sex Sells" is the very moves themselves.
What's sexy about a DDT as a finisher? Or a Pedigree? There is very little that is sexy about that. Women love to perform moves like a moonsault or a hurrahcanrana to show they are on par with the men.
Quit modeling the men!
Quit putting yourself in dangerous situations. What's sexier? A moonsault as a finisher or a tight breastsmother? A DDT or a headscissors with the opponents face angled into your private parts? A "mandible claw" or a bronco buster? A reverse headscissors or a legdrop off the top rope? A full body press pin or your legs hooked to the rope in yet another cheap ass, worthless win?
There is a huge community out there of fetish lovers.
They love domination and humiliation. They love when another female forces another female to kiss her feet. They love when a woman with superior breasts uses her breasts to dominate a lesser endowed female. They love when one woman takes the other one out with multiple blows to the crotch.
Again, as I stated at the beginning of this article, there are a wide variety of tastes out there.
I cannot and will not attempt to cover them all.
But why not incorporate some of these elements so that you can increase your fan base? It's not like every movie, tv show, mainstream wrestling match, or MMA match has to have these elements in every single serving.
However, variety is the spice of life. And this is a genre where the ability exists to be creative and to try new things.
And, if you think I'm crazy, wrong, or just totally off base. It's ok. There is a medium called the internet, and it's probably going to be bigger than any network, movie, tv show, or wrestling promotion will ever be.
Like in all industries.........if you keep dropping the ball...........someone else is going to pick the ball up and run with it.
The good thing?
This industry is still a free market. Let the best ideas win!
Feel free to voice your comments and opinions at the end of this article.
(All opinions expressed above are solely those of Johnny Ringo. You have every right to agree, disagree, refute these claims, or come up with better conclusions. If anything, I hope to get the debate re-ignited and thoughtful debate is encouraged.)
What's New with Missy Hyatt?
This woman is absolutely amazing!
See what is new with Missy right now!
Missy's Main Website - Here
Missy's Facebook Fan Page - Here
Missy on Myspace - Here
Missy on Twitter - Here
We normally don't get "into the politics" here at the Catfight Report. However, if you live in the USA, you know that things are very politically charged at the moment!
I asked various female fighters and wrestlers one simple question for this edition of the Catfight Report Internet Magazine:
If today (instead of 2012) was election day for President of the United States...........
Who would you choose?
The Answers:
April Hunter:
April's answer: Jesse Ventura. He's independent, strong, calls it down the middle and not afraid to offend people with the truth to get things done.
Dia Zerva:
Dia's answer: Barack Obama - give the man a chance! Seems like people give up so easily on someone if they can't deliver in a couple of days. He is attempting to heal 30 years of bad decisions... can't be done over night!
Christine Dupree: Visit Christine's Clips 4 Sale Store
Christine's Answer:
Ok I'd choose Obama because even though he's having a hard time getting his goals accomplished, at least young people will now hear more about peacemaking instead of war making, justice for the working class, and that there really is hope for making the impossible possible as long as it's good for the people and our planet earth!
Johnny Ringo: (Hey, that's me!)
You can't have a political discussion without Johnny Ringo! I have to take this opportunity to give a shout out to the only person I think is fit to fix the problems of the United States of America.
His name is Ron Paul, and he is a OBGYN and congressman from the great state of Texas.
He is, without a shadow of a doubt, the "freedom candidate". A champion of small government, civil liberties, sound money, free markets, following the constitution, and he is against foreign intervention and undeclared wars.
Learn more about Ron Paul at the Ron Paul file at Lew Rockwell's website.
I will continue this series throughout the year and get more opinions from the female fighters we love.
Want to advertise in this Internet Magazine?
Guarantee placement for the April 1st 2009 issue at the top of this page!
Have questions, comments, or ideas?
Email me!
attn: Johnny Ringo
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1 comment:
i love your reports
always interesting!
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