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- Ringo -

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Will the new Tekken Movie feature a Catfight in 2010?

You remember the video game............Tekken?

This is not the time to go into the backstory of Tekken.   It's a video game.   People fight to win.   Pretty much like Mortal Kombat.

What we care about are the females of Tekken.    That's right.   No surprises or deviations here.

It does appear that the new cinematic release of Tekken will indeed feature at least one girl on girl fight

How many more it will feature.........we are not sure.

Here is the trailer of the new Tekken movie.  You will notice a small female fight at the end that is previewed extremely briefly.  (hat tip:  Ekofox - Classic Catfights Board - HERE)

Here are some of the females who will be acting in this film:

Candice Hillebrand - Nina Williams
Marian Zapico - Anna Williams
Tamlyn Tomita - Jun Kazama
Mircea Monroe - Kara
Kelly Overton - Christie Monteiro

For some of you out there that know Tekken better than we..............what do you think?

Will Tekken feature some bad ass bitch fights or just a very small one that doesn't even last long enough to smoke a cigarette?

NOTE:   It was added on the IMBD message board that someone had seen an advance of Nina vs Christie and lamented it was one of the most bloody girlfights he has ever seen.

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h_k said...

Judging by their appearance and moves, the snippet in the trailer looks like it's the Nina vs. Christie fight. OTOH Nina and her sister Anna are sworn enemies in the game so the screenwriters have probably have probably cashed in on this in the script as well.
I'm no Tekken expert though.

Mark (ekofox) said...

If it is to include what has been stated as a very bloody fight then it will be at least worth a look. I think i'll be fast forwarding through most of it though to get to the good stuff.

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