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- Ringo -

Sunday, May 4, 2008

New Catfight Report Poll: Mariah Carey vs Madonna

This is a little feud, that goes, way back.

Two of the hottest, and most successful female singers EVER, well, don't like each other so much!

This little spat, started sometime back in the mid-1990's.

Here is one statement made by bombshell babe Madonna back in the 1990's.

"If I had to sing easy listening ballads like Mariah Carey, I would put a gun to my head"

Super sexy Mariah Carey, had a snarky comment of her own.

“I really haven’t paid attention to Madonna since like seventh or eighth grade, when she used to be popular.”

What does this Catfight Report editor have to say to that?

Folks, this feud has been going on for somewhere in between 10-20 years now! My goodness!

These two need to engage in a catfight! It should be obvious to all.

There is some unresolved tension here, and it needs to come out!

I'm not going to post all of the details of this long standing feud, but it continues even now, as they are both bumping up against each other in the music charts, at the very time of this post!

I will list some sources at the bottom of this post, if you want to study some details of the rivalry.
But, I want to focus on something more important.

I WANT TO FOCUS on who WOULD WIN, not in a musical catfight, but in a real catfight

That's right!

If Madonna and Mariah Carey were to go "toe to toe", "eye to eye", "woman to woman", who would come out on top?

Would Madonna still be able to put Mariah Carey on the ground, even at her older age?

Or would the taller and heavier Mariah Carey mop the floor with her, and taunt her incredibly?

The possibilities are endless, but the vote, goes to you!

So, Catfight Report faithful, let's hear it!

Madonna (newest music video)


Mariah Carey (newest music video is here - can't embed, but watch, as it is HOT - HERE)

Sources for the Madonna vs Mariah Carey feud:

Got any more news or tidbits on this feud?

Let us know below!
And please leave your comments and opinions on this battle!


Johnny Ringo said...

Well Catfight Report fans, the Material Girl got her butt handed to her, as Mariah Carey pounded the smaller woman into submission, in our Catfight Report poll.

Mariah Carey - 83 Votes
Madonna - 67 Votes

150 Votes total.

Madonna didn't get dominated, as she put up a very good fight, but found out that Mariah Carey was a lot more than a pretty face in this contest.

Will there be a rematch?

Anonymous said...

WOW! I was for sure Madonna would win. She's been around longer and is pretty muscular.

I don't know about a rematch, but I'd like to see Madonna VS. Janet!!

Anonymous said...

I would say Madonna will win. Madonna trains like a professional athlete and she's very strong & muscular. She can take down Mariah in seconds. Mariah is a lazy big woman.

I would say Madonna will win. poor mariah

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