New Venture!

See my new venture - THE FEMALE WRESTLING CHANNEL - to see what I'm up to these days.

- Ringo -

Monday, April 28, 2008

New Catfight Report Poll: Kardashian Civil War! Kim Kardashian vs Khloe Kardashian!!

I had another battle in mind for this week's poll, but after tuning into the E! Network last night, and catching the series Keeping Up with the Kardashians, my thoughts changed very quickly!

I could not take my eyes off of this show. I admit it!

And........being the catfight lover that I am............I was treated to a rift on the episode entitled: Kardashian Civil War

The rift was between: Kim and Khloe Kardashian

Kim and Khloe almost went at it in a catfight! Lions, Tigers, and Bears, oh my!

Kim nailed her with a little punch, but Khloe did not respond!

Things were heated all the way until the end of the show, and there seems to be more next week!

Folks.............what does this mean?????

The question in my we ever see a catfight?
Will they allow the cameras to record such a thing?

Nah! Won't happen!

Obviously, no one wants these two sisters to live in eternal hate, as everyone knows they will make up in the future, and that is great, and wanted!

HOWEVER, we can dream folks!

(editors side note: Kourtney Kardashian could be included here as well, and might be the most beautiful, and possibly toughest, Kardashian of the 3. However, her spot will be reserved for another time and place!)

So, I must pose the question!

If Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian were to engage in a hair ripping, fist throwing, CATFIGHT, who would emerge as the clear winner in this affair?




Your Votes and Comments....................PLEASE!

Blast from the Past: Coralie Eicholtz punches out Charlie's Angel darling Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz was punched hard by a model back in 2005, many websites report.

The fight took place at a nightclub called Jimmy's in Monte Carlo.

Model Coralie Eicholtz blasted Cameron in the face with a hard punch after Cameron had stepped on her dress and ruined it..........according to Coralie.

The following is straight from Coralie Eicholtz:

"As Cameron leaped over our seats, she accidentally trod on my dress -- putting a big hole in it," New Zealander Coralie was quoted by as saying.

"I toppled over and fell on my face -- so I gave her a right hook before my friends stepped in," she added.

The model even threatened to take further revenge by stealing Cameron's fiance.....pop singer Justin Timberlake.

"Cameron looked like a scared rabbit. I wanted to kill her," Coralie told Britain's Daily Star newspaper. The perfect way to get her back would be to go after Justin Timberlake. That really would irritate her! 

Wow and Meow!  Our type of gal!

The Catfight Report just learned about this catfight 2 years after the fact!

Sounds like Coralie is the winner!     Will Cameron ever call for a rematch?

The sexy Cameron Diaz:

Punched out by the sultry Coralie Eicholtz:


Read more about it, at some of the sources here:

Monday, April 21, 2008

New Poll: The Biggest Loser Catfight - Kim Lyons vs Jillian Michaels

The Battle of the Fitness Babes.

A "fitness" catfight!

Survival of the "fittest"?

My question to the Catfight Report faithful.........

If these two sexy, motivating bombshells were to engage in a catfight, who would be "The Biggest Loser"?

Actually, the real question, and what I want you to vote on, is who would be............"The Biggest Winner"?

Would Jillian Michaels take Kim Lyons to the woodshed?

Or would Kim Lyons show Jillian Michaels that she is the "top" trainer and fighter of the two?

This question...........cannot be answered by me!

Folks............."The Biggest Loser" in this catfight/female fisticuffs, will be decided by you!

Both women are toned, and trained, and this would be a PPV that would garner a lot of buys if turned into reality. Both women can turn it on, and turn it up, but you are the decider here!

The Combatants!

Kim Lyons


Jillian Michaels

(Click on the very small "comments" button below, and feel free to leave your website!)

Elvis Presley was a Catfight and Female Wrestling Fan!

Some call it perverse, but to fans of this genre, I guess you could say......... we don't give a damn!

It's always nice to have someone to identify with, and Elvis Presley was indeed a lover of females in combat.

My source comes from a Rolling Stone article dubbed: The Party Years
(You can read this excellent article from 1981.........HERE)

The article was an excerpt from the book "Elvis", that was written by none other than Albert Goldman.

Here are some tidbits that relate to Elvis Presley and his love of females in combat.

- "Girls" is the word, because Elvis almost invariably retreated to his bedroom with two or three young women in tow. His preference for groups rather than for one-to-one encounters had hardened now into a habit. Must young men with such tastes are assumed to be prodigiously virile studs whose sexual appetites are so enormous that they cannot be satisfied by a single woman. This was certainly not the case with Elvis Presley. Generally, he never had normal sexual relations with these girls. The reason? Elvis was a voyeur.

What he sought as his erotic goal was a group of girls who would agree to strip down to their panties and wrestle with each other while Elvis stared out his eyes with a rocklike hard-on pressing up against his underwear. He accounted for this obsession by recalling an incident from his childhood: a moment when he had seen two little girls tumbling together on the ground with their dresses rising to show their crotches. In fact, with the fine-focus characteristic of his kind, what Elvis described as his ultimate fulfillment was not the sight of the girls or even the crotch but the vision of black pubic hairs protruding around the edges of white panties. Out of all the sexual excitements in the world, this one teasing image represented the ultimate in arousal to Elvis.

The Article goes on further:

- When you dig down to the sexual roots of an Elvis Presley, you sense a profound sexual ambivalence. Elvis plays the strutting, overbearing macho in public, but in private he loves nothing better than to roughhouse with teenage girls with whom he exchanges beauty secrets. His basic erotic image is a crotch covered with white panties and showing a bit of pubic hair -- an image no different essentially from male to female. Eventually, as we shall see, he staged orgies in which the star was an aggressive lesbian who not only wrestled with other girls but dominated them sexually, just as an aggressive man might dominate a submissive woman -- while Elvis got his kicks by watching.

The inference is irresistible, therefore, that at bottom, Elvis identified with a strong, aggressive woman rather than a young, aggressive man.

And the Article goes on even further:

About the time Scatter died, the steady advance of electronic technology provided Elvis at last with the the perfect toy for a man who was an orgiast, a voyeur and a masturbator. It was the first Sony videotape machine for "home use." Once Elvis got this machine, he was enabled to seek relief from the monotonous routine of acting in films by getting behind the camera and functioning as a director. He soon found some cooperative young women and set to work turning out an endless series of bedroom follies. What he was after in these films was what he had been after all his life in sexual encounters: a chance to watch while beautiful young women grappled with each other and simulated lesbian sex. Naturally, no one but Elvis was permitted to view these hot reels. Once, however, one of the Guys found the opportunity while Elvis was away from home to view some of the forbidden footage. What he saw shocked him profoundly. The two girls who flashed on the screen, naked save for white panties, were intimates of the Presley circle. They were giggling and wrestling and taking turns diving into each other's crotches. At the end of the film, Elvis suddenly popped up before the camera with a full erection and a very smooth jack-off motion.

Oh yes, there is more!

Eventually, Elvis discovered a curious genre of soft-core pornography that appealed to him even more than his private videotapes or the hard-core Danish stuff that came on the American market of the late Sixties. As this type of pornography pleased him more than any other, we are justified in regarding it as the clue to his basic sexual fantasies. Interestingly these were of a highly hostile yet not conventionally sadistic variety. The films Elvis relished are called in the trade "cat films." Their subject is women fighting. The typical film opens upon a shot of a couple of tough, coarse-looking broads sitting on a sofa and having a violent quarrel about a man. Suddenly, one the women reaches over and slaps the other's face. The second woman retaliates by grabbing her by hair. Then they really get into it like a couple of cats, screaming and clawing. Inevitably, their legs go up and the viewer gets a flash at there panties, which was part that most excited Elvis. By the end the film, the women have sliced each other to wrecks.

CATFIGHT REPORT EDITOR'S NOTE: Albert Goldman made some assumptions about Elvis, that I do not agree with, nor am I sure are totally revelant. He assumed that because Elvis Presley loved catfights, that he "hated women", and that he was possibly a closet homosexual! He also assumed that this desire stemmed from a hatred of his mother.

These are large assumptions indeed. I have been a catfight lover for a long time, and harbor none of those 3 traits. I'm not implying that those traits could have been true of Elvis, but Albert never explicitly backs those statements up concretely with hard facts.

Assumptions, yes, but facts, no.

No matter your opinion of Elvis Presley, this article is sure to shock you. I, being a catfight lover, took out the parts that pertained to his love of female combat. But, this is a very interesting article, and you can make your own assumptions as you will.

Here it is again, if you want to read the full piece from 1981. CLICK HERE.

All I Elvis was only human.

So..........people............don't be cruel.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Blast from the Past: Tara Reid and Cindy Margolis in a catfight/scuffle!

Visit the Official Website of Cindy Margolis - CLICK HERE


Follow Tara Reid on her Official Twitter Account - CLICK HERE

It's been about 5 years now, but back in 2003, in Atlantic City, Cindy Margolis and Tara Reid had a catfight over Cindy's husband.

His name is Guy Starkman and published reports claim he used to date Tara Reid prior.

At a boardwalk bar called Duke Macks, the two engaged in a rough catfight in front of stunned (and probably stimulated) onlookers.  It was said that Cindy Margolis grabbed Tara Reid by the hair and yanked her off of her barstool.

A few more fists and kicks were thrown before a bartender supposedly intervened.

The onlookers at the bar overwhelming agreed that Cindy won the fight hands down.

Was that the truth? I don't know, as I wasn't there!

But, very interesting nonetheless!

Catfight Supersite - CLICK HERE
NY Daily News - CLICK HERE

Who do you think would win in a catfight if Tara Reid and Cindy Margolis
decide to put their dukes up once again?

Feel free to leave your comments on this matter below!

Monday, April 14, 2008

New Poll: Callisto (Hudson Leick) vs Xena (Lucy Lawless)

Xena Warrior Princess.

THAT, was the name of the show.

The show was about Xena, and her adventures with her sidekick, Gabrielle.

But during the popular series, a blonde woman appeared, that made the series all the more legendary.

Her name..........was Callisto.

These two women, Xena and Callisto, battled quite a bit on the show, but personally, I never got the feeling that they really got to settle things the right way.

I mean............swords are.......ahem.........boring.

What I a woman to woman showdown, with no weapons involved whatsover!

Therefore, the question must be posed!

Who would win in a catfight/brawl between these two very beautiful women?

To be more specific...............who is the REAL Warrior Princess?

The up to you!

Xena (Lucy Lawless)


Callisto (Hudson Leick)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Super hottie Megan Fox to star in a Catfight?

The blogs are lighting up, as it is being reported that "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen" star Megan Fox, may be engaging in a topless catfight in an upcoming movie called "Jennifer's Body".

Megan will be doing battle with Amanda Seyfried in an underwear fight. Many of the blogs are referring to this as a "topless catfight", but I have seen no specific reference to that, that I have witnessed.

Megan is very sexy, and I'm sure many men and women will be looking forward to this one!

Let's just hope it's not the usual Hollywood production, as maybe we will get something sizzling for once.

Megan Fox


Amanda Seyfried

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Poll: Stacy Keibler vs Trish Stratus

These two women, are perhaps, the most beautiful and well known women to ever participate in wrestling, anywhere on the globe.

This is one of those votes, where you just have no idea which way it is going to go.!

Stacy has a well defined height advantage, but Trish is built well in all the right places, and is a former fitness girl.

Vince might have booked Trish to win over Stacy on National TV in most of the scripted matches.

BUT. (or, butt, in this case)

The thing I want to know is.................who wins in a real life all out brawl if it were ever to happen?

Let us know!

Stacy Keibler


Trish Stratus

A couple of Bonus Clips: Trish Stratus vs Stacy Keibler matches (spanking match)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Catfight Report Hall of Fame: Shannon Tweed

Our first inductee into the Catfight Report Hall of Fame, is Playboy supermodel, and rock star wife Shannon Tweed.

Wikipedia Entry - CLICK HERE

Shannon has been in quite a few movies, and when it comes to catfights, she has had quite a few in the films she has starred in.

Hence, she is our first inductee into the Catfight Report Hall of Fame!

There was nothing greater for me as a young lad than following this sexy scarlet from movie to movie. Not only was she tall, blonde, sexy, and intelligent, but she consistently won her catfights!
If this is not a perfect woman, please show me the way!

Here is a list of some of the movies where Shannon Tweed engaged in a catfight or skirmish with another woman.

A special thanks to the people at the Yahoo Group, "movietvcatfightalert"
Join this excellent group if you want to keep up with catfights in TV and Movies

(1984) The Surrogate (vs Carole Laure)

PREVIEW: Scene where Shannon is gagged and bound - CLICK HERE
BUY: Surrogate, the

(1989) Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death (Adrienne Barbeau)

PREVIEW: Random Scene, not the catfight scene - CLICK HERE
BUY: Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death

(1989) Lethal Women (vs ????)

PREVIEW: None found
BUY: Lethal Woman

(1993) Indecent Behavior (vs Michelle Moffett)

PREVIEW: None Found
BUY: Indecent Behavior

(1994) Model by Day (vs Famke Janssen)

PREVIEW: "Mystery Woman" Shannon Kicks guy's ass in bar - CLICK HERE
BUY: Model by Day

(1994) Possessed by the Night (vs Sandahl Bergman)

PREVIEW: Shannon being shot several times at the end of movie - CLICK HERE
BUY: Possessed By Night ~ Starring Shannon Tweed (Playmate of the Year) and Sandahl Bergman [All-region] (Dvd)

(1994) Scorned (vs Kim Morgan Greene)

PREVIEW: None Found
BUY: Scorned

(1996) Electra (vs Katie Griffen)

PREVIEW: "Mother Tease" by Shannon - CLICK HERE
BUY: Electra (Shannon Tweed)

(1997) No Contest 2 - Face the Evil (vs Fiona Highet)

PREVIEW: Various Clips from the Movie - CLICK HERE
BUY: Face the Evil

(1999) Powerplay (vs Danielle Ciardi)

PREVIEW: None Found
BUY: Powerplay (R-Rated)

(1999) Shadow Warriors 2 - Hunt for the Death Merchant (vs ????)

PREVIEW: Full Catfight from Youtube - CLICK HERE
BUY: Shadow Warriors 2

I would like to personally thank Shannon Tweed on behalf of all girlfight and catfight fans from around the world.

You have brought us all hours of countless enjoyment!

Please leave your comments on this excellent woman below.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Katie Holmes and Victoria Beckham in spat

All Headline News is reporting that Katie Holmes and Victoria Beckham recently had a small war of words. Rather or not this will lead to a hair ripping catfight is yet to be determined.

Katie seems to be a bit mad that Victoria scored a front page cover in the new Vogue Magazine edition, rather than herself. Katie also took exception to Victoria suggesting she should get tattoes. A bit of the exchange is posted at the source link below:

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